Saturday, April 6, 2013

What does 4 months of trail mix even look like?

I made a trip to Costco the other day and bought up some supplies to make some trail mix.

Before it went in the giant mixing bowl I added up all the weights in ounces, and the total number of calories to come to a Calories per Ounce measurement.
This trail mix clocks in at 144 calories per ounce. Not too shabby!

After it was all mixed up it was time to bag it up and calculate the number of calories in each bag. It was pretty easy to do this by just weighing the full bags, subtracting the weight of the bag, and then multiplying the total by 144, which is the calories per ounce number I had arrived at before. 

So there you have it. Each one of these bags will be going into a resupply box. The post title was a bit of a lie, because I am only getting mail drop boxes about half of the time. The rest is going to be store bought along the way. So 2 months of trail mix. Whatever. Enjoy your day!


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