Thursday, May 9, 2013

Unexpected angels at McDonalds


Yesterday saw one of the most concerted efforts to achieve miles yet. We had 24 miles to get to the McDonalds at highway 15 and nothing was going to stop us.
It was a hard day but well worth the effort. The hiking speed was at 3 mph all day with some breaks and my feet really felt it when I was done. I wasn't that tired though and oddly enough I wasn't even that hungry but I was sure the hiker hunger would kick in after the first course of Micky dees. 

But I only ate one course.

Weeds had told us of potential trail angels but we really had no idea what we were getting into when Rebecca showed up and we eight hikers piled into the back of her hatchback Kia packs and all.

Luckily I was in the front seat (with weeds on my lap), and the only one in a seatbelt! Mind you this was by far the most dangerous thing I've done while hiking the pct. 

The trail angel's house was absurd. Hot tub, pool, showers, ping pong, tv, beer and other goodies, and so much food!! Veggies and fruits galore And garlic bread too. 

The next morning we drove back (same seats) and hiked on. 

We did 14 tough miles and gained about 5000 feet. Tomorrow we climb to 9000 and then it is a short hitch into wrightwood to spend the night and get some food. It's only about 13 miles so it shouldn't be too tough.



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