Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I actually got out of camp by 6 am today! This was a first for Washington and possibly Oregon? I can't remember. It was 13 miles up and then down into white pass where I resupplied. I had been dreaming of drinking a quart of whole milk all day and was excited to buy it at the convenience store. My food had been planned perfectly and I ate my final bar about 20 minutes out from the store. 

When I arrived a couple of guys doing a week long sections bought me chicken fingers and a sandwich! Unfortunately, there was no whole milk.
Yes, that is a quart of half and half. Yes, I did drink the whole thing. How long did it take me, you ask? It was gone before the sandwich. The lady behind the counter tried to rename me half and half. Not a bad name... 

I hiked out around 2 with another hiker named Bambi. There is a shelter 50 miles north of white pass and we will try to get there tomorrow night. It would be nice if there was a storm while we are in there.. So I guess I ended up hiking 31 miles today with a 3 hour break. Woah. Tomorrow will be a 34 if I make it to the shelter. The elevation profile isn't so bad so I probably will.

My camp is excellent tonight.


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